About me!

Margareta Åkermark

I was born in Stockholm, Sweden and grew up as the oldest child out of three. My family moved to the The Aaland Islands in the Finnish archipelago when I was 7. My parents introduced me to art and history from a young age, two interests that developed into a near obsession with historical fashion. This passion led me to move to England to study costuming at The Northern School of Art.

During my time at university in the North East of England I also found a second calling in animal rescue, working closely with Hartlepool Wildlife Rescue as well as volunteering for Avian Angels Parrot Rescue. Working closely with both wild and domestic animals has given me a great appreciation for the patience and compassion that exists among both animals and humans.

My philosophy

telling stories

Costumes play an extremely important part in visual story-telling narratives. They convey the characters' ambitions, feelings, personalities and place in society. My goal is to create garments that not only tell a story, but that help actors and clients understand and relate more to their characters by literally stepping into their shoes.

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